The Journey to India

Part 1:
Chinese Date: Cycle 54, Chinese Year Xin-Chou (38), year 581, month 5, day 22 (581-05-22)
Gregorian Date: Tuesday, July 10, 581

At once I am on my way to India. I am on the third day of my journey. I am traveling on the silk road, so far I am doing really good. I think I am off to a good start, I packed a lot of food, and some water. I brought some money, but not that much money, only as much as I could afford. I had my horse, some supplies, and a little money.
I am planning to take about 15 or 20 days to get there. I have met some pretty nice people on my way to India, a lot of people traveling on the silk road are traveling to trade their goods. For the past couple of days I have slept under the stars. So far I am doing pretty good on this journey.

Part 2:
Chinese Date: Cycle 54, Chinese Year Xin-Chou (38), year 581, month 6, day 8 (581-06-08)
Gregorian Date: Wednesday, July 25, 581
Today is my 15th day of traveling. I was doing great on this journey, until yesterday I was making my way to India when a group of thieves robbed me of everything I had, leaving me with just me and my horse. I don’t know what to do now; I only have a little bit of snacks, and no water. I had nothing to eat last night; I haven’t had anything to eat since I got robbed. I am very worried and I don’t know what to do.
The good news is that I am almost to India so I only have to last a few more days until I arrive. When I arrive in India I hope I will find food and shelter. The other good news is that now that I have been robbed no one else will try to rob me! I am trying to stay positive because if I give up now then I will never make it to India. I have heard that the people in India are very kind so I hope I can get there.
I am now approaching India, and I am closer to India than China so there is no turning back anyway.

Part 3:
Chinese Date: Cycle 54, Chinese Year Xin-Chou (38), year 581, month 6, day 18 (581-06-18)
Gregorian Date: Friday, July 6, 581
Just a few days ago I met two extremely kind men and they were also traveling to India. They were both traveling on horses and they saw me struggling by the side of the road. I saw that they had plenty of food and water; they decided to give me some. A couple of minutes after the food and water got into my system, I started to get my energy back. While I was eating they asked me what I was doing.
“So, what are you doing, stranded on the side of the road?” they asked.
“I was traveling to India, on my horse when a group of thieves robbed me of almost everything I had.”
“Oh,” they responded, “Well we are also heading to India. Would you also like to come along with us?”
“Thank you so much! I would love to come along with you!”
So I went along with them and I have been traveling for about three days, and now we are almost in India.