My Chinese Village

Cycle 54, Chinese Year Xin-Chou (38), year 581, month 5, day 4 (581-05-04)

I live in a nice village, in a small house with my parents. I speak the same language as most of the people in my village which is Mandarine. Some people speak different forms of Chinese, but the language is pretty similar so usually I can communicate.
From the room that I sleep in, I can see some mountains in the distance. There is a river next to my house, and I often see rivers when I am walking around my village.
I am planning to go to India because I am bored with my normal life, and I want an adventure. I believe that if I go to a new place there will be different people and they will have different culture than me, so then I will learn more about other people.
I know that traveling will be very hard. One reason that traveling to India is gonna be hard is because where I live is mostly surrounded with mountains,  so because of this China is very separate from the rest of the world. So I plan to travel by the silk road.
When I tell my parents that I am planning to travel to India, they are not pleased.
“How come? Are you not happy here?” my mother says.
“We will miss you a lot.” my father says.
I know that I will miss my family but I think that this is the best decision for me, I love farming, but I really always wanted more in life than just picking crops. I know that what I am doing is dangerous and I am taking a huge risk, but this is what I feel like I want to do.
I will travel to India I will bring my horse, and plenty of food and water. I will not have to pack a lot of water, because there will be a lot of rivers that I can stop at. I know that I will have to be careful on the silk road, because many people have warned me about thieves, and there is supposed to be a lot of thieves on the silk road.